Make an Appointment



The Rebbetzin Peggy Gopin Weiss Mikvah of Englewood provides our users with the convenience 

of making appointments in advance with our online appointment system.


If you have a problem making an appointment, call the mikvah at 201-567-1443 during mikvah hours to talk to the shomeret on duty.

Returning Users:         New Users:
If you already have an account, please sign in using
 your e-mail address and password below.
Email Address:
Forgot Password

Appointment Policies

  • Appointments may be booked up to 5 days in advance. 

  • Appointments, may be booked up to 1 hour before the mikvah opens. After that time, the system changes to the next day. Please check that you are booking your appointment for the correct day. 

  • A shower appointment is 15 minutes. A bath appointment is 45 minutes. Please plan your time wisely, especially if you schedule the last appointment of the night.

  • Appointment confirmations will be sent via e-mail to the address specified in your account profile.

  • Only one appointment may be reserved per person per week.

  • The mikvah will close 15 minutes after the last scheduled appointment is completed.

  • A fee of $25 will be added for arrivals after the LAST posted bath or shower time.

  • You may reschedule or cancel your appointment by logging into your account.

  • If you need to cancel your appointment on the night of your appointment, please call the mikvah directly at 201-567-1443 during operating hours.

Friday Night and Erev Yom Tov Night

As bookings for Friday nights and Yom Tov nights require special arrangements and cannot be done online, appointments MUST be made by contacting the coordinator at 551-355-2484  or emailing at least 24 hours in advance.

  • Anyone with questions or concerns about their Friday night mikvah appointment, such as needing to go early, should contact the Yoetzet Halacha, Nechama Price, at 201-888-6999 or their rabbi. 

  • Confirmation with the coordinator is required before going to the mikvah Friday night or Erev Yom Tov. 

  • If you have urgent questions or require immediate attention regarding these appointments, please call or text 551-355-2484.

Friend of the Mikvah

For a yearly payment of $360, Friends of the Mikvah can make appointments without further charge.

Kallah (Bridal) Appointments

Please schedule a bridal appointment at least two weeks in advance of an appointment. Please contact or 551-355-2484 to make an appointment.

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